- 23 novembre 2020 · google,what does google do,internet,discoverabity,list makingWhat does Google Do? You enter a word, series of words, or a near word, or a series of near words, or series of words mixed with near words, numbers, characters and emojis - and then - Google spits out the ten links on the internet that are most relevant. Getting to a quality shortlist is...22 octobre 2021 · nba,nba money,nba futures bets,steph curry,kevin durantNow that sports gambling is legal in Colorado, I placed a few bets :-) The way I see it, I watch the game and play the game more than most people who bet, so I might as well place a couple season long bets. Not risking much, but time will tell how I understand the NBA or not. Anyways, monetizing...15 août 2020 · edwards,no name,grizzly creek fire,coloradoThe horizon closes in. A blue spruce bbq draws near. But there is no pit master. There is no grill. It's just what the wind brings to Edwards. Some say it started with a lit cig out a car window, others say it's just nature or 2020 being 2020 or chance. Whatever the why my friend, please do...
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