I make some work and life videos
For fun & memories. For professional talks, go here.
happy new year!
Man of Honor Toast at My Sister's Wedding
my wife strong armed my friends into saying kind things about me for my 30th birthday
This is a poem for my daughter: Atop Paintbrushes.
My dad wouldn't stop telling me the elevation on our hike, so we invented ALTITUDE MAN.
Making moves in the Alps before she was Mrs. Smooke.
FWD.us Profiles Immigrants Creating Jobs in America (like mine @ SmartRecruiters).
After Steve Jobs died, this was the Apple Store on Market Street, San Francisco
5 Takes on Content Marketing at The Hub: "The Internet is a Real Estate Game"
"Start Up Art" - made with WhyDuck @ SmartRecruiters HQ
Bodie! My mom's dog.
video contesting in my early 20s.